Value-Based Health Plans

CareVention HealthCareTM (CVHC) is dedicated to serving value-based healthcare plans and settings, including accountable care organizations (ACOs), at-risk provider organizations, managed long-term care (MLTC) plans, Medicare-Medicaid plans (MMPs), and more.
How we can help you
Third party administration (TPA)
helps value-based healthcare plans and settings deliver high-quality care, optimize financial management, and fulfill regulatory requirements. Our solution, PeakTPATM, offers services from encounter data processing and submissions to robust reporting and implementation.
Risk adjustment services
offer timely, complete, and accurate data for value-based health plans. Capstone Risk Adjustment ServicesTM include:
- Core Services: An industry-proven approach that incorporates chart audits, data analytics, monitoring, and staff education, all provided by a team of experienced educators to improve organizational risk scores.
- Concurrent Coding Services: ICD-10 coding services to help organizations maintain regulatory compliance and revenue in partnership with our certified coders.